Busy day and I’ve had it, but I’m on the page

So, I had an intense client delivery day. All went well and we got things done – a lot through online chat, which is interesting. I’m now am heading back to my art class after two weeks of holidays. I’m making some special things and I’m glad because during the holidays I had time to reflect, have the piece I’m working on around me, living with it and working on it unconsciously. Now I need to finish it. Exhibition is at the end of the school year in June.

Exhibiting art is not easy – I thought it would be. It’s like you’re sharing a chunk of yourself naked and everyone has an opinion on it. Today, I’m thinking of what drives the compulsion to need to create and share it with others. Another thing to look into!

I need to go to class. I’m late and I’ll catch the last hour. So, today is day 8 of posting I believe and day 9 of the cure out of the 40 days. I am getting hungry but the food is very delicious – it gets more and more delicious the longer I am on the cure. I’m very conscious of my emotions, they are all very much there, active and there because I don’t have my usual distractions.

My musings today. Hope you are all well and having a good start to the week, back tomorrow 😉 Catie

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